It may be best not to talk to a representative from an at-fault party’s insurance company following a truck accident. Instead, you may want to consult with a Las Vegas truck accident lawyer. From here, you may hire an attorney who acts as your legal representative as you try to get damages.
If you want legal help after your truck accident, partner with the team at H&P Law. We have more than 60 years of combined legal experience and will apply what we know to your case. For more information, reach out to us.
Why You Should Avoid Talking to a Representative After a Truck Accident
An insurance representative may seem friendly and empathetic, but they may have an ulterior motive. Ultimately, they want what is best for their client — not you. As such, the representative may push you to speak about your truck accident in the hopes that you will say something on the record that will compromise your case.
There are also times when a rep may offer a settlement. Initially, the proposal may seem fair since it gives you money you can use right away. However, the first settlement offer you get may not give you enough compensation to cover all of your losses.
Rather than speak to a representative about your accident, you can have a lawyer discuss the incident on your behalf. Once you meet the legal team at H&P Law, you may discover why we are a top choice for those in need of representation in truck accident cases. To learn more, get in touch with us.
Things You Should Not Say After a Truck Accident
Under no circumstance should you accept any responsibility for your accident. An insurance company representative wants you to admit that you were in some way at fault. If you do, the liable party and their insurer may have the foundation for building a case to prove you should not receive any compensation.
You should not agree to sign a medical release following your accident. If you do, you may give an at-fault party and their insurer full access to your medical records. These parties may evaluate your records and look for any opportunities to show the injuries that you suffered in your accident are not as severe as you claim.
Along with these things, you should not lie about anything relating to your accident. Just because an insurance rep asks you questions and pressures you to answer them does not mean you should lie. Alternatively, you can hire a lawyer who has helped their clients achieve outstanding case results, and they can represent you in negotiations with an at-fault party and their insurer.
Why You Should Seek Out Medical Care
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), there was a 49% increase in accidents involving large trucks reported in the United States between 2012 and 2022. Truck accidents happen every day, and they can leave victims with serious injuries. After your accident, you should go to a doctor for medical care, as this allows you to treat your injuries and start building your case against a liable party.
A doctor can evaluate your injuries and put together a treatment plan. You may also receive medical bills, which you can track now and in the future. These bills will help you show an at-fault party’s insurance representative just how much it costs to treat your injuries.
It may be a good idea to follow your doctor’s orders and continue to receive care. Your lawyer can use your medical records to show a judge or jury that you are dealing with medical expenses due to your accident. These records and other forms of proof may help you secure a fair settlement.
Proof You Can Use in Your Truck Accident Case
In addition to medical records, you may use accident scene photos and videos, police reports, and other pieces of evidence. Your attorney may help you document as much as they can relating to your accident. This may give you a body of evidence that makes it difficult for an at-fault party or their insurance rep to dispute your claim.
Over the course of your litigation, your attorney will answer frequently asked questions and any others you have about the legal process. They may work with a liable party’s insurer to help you get damages. If no settlement is reached, they may bring your case to trial.
If you go to trial, your attorney will be able to present the evidence you have collected and explain why it is relevant to your case. A judge or jury may evaluate your evidence in conjunction with the rest of your argument. If you have a compelling case, a judge or jury may award you 100% of the damages that you are requesting.
Tips to Help You Respond to an Insurance Representative
If an at-fault party’s insurance representative claims you have to talk to them about your case, this is untrue. In this situation, you can be polite and let the rep know that you are not going to speak with them. You can also remind this individual that if they have concerns or questions regarding your case, they can contact your attorney.
When a representative presents a settlement, notify your attorney about it. Your lawyer can explain what is the average truck accident settlement in Las Vegas and its surrounding areas. They can help you decide whether to approve a settlement offer.
If you have doubts about how to respond to a representative, share them with your attorney. You do not have to go through the legal process on your own. With your lawyer at your side, you are well-equipped to make informed decisions every step of the way.
Get Legal Help
If you are struggling to deal with the aftermath of a truck accident, the legal team at H&P Law may be able to help you out. We can take a look at your case and go over your legal options with you. To schedule a free and confidential consultation, contact us today.