Car accident injuries and deaths are rising in 2020, according to the Nevada Department of Public Safety (“NDPS”). This upward trend is despite several months of state-mandated lock downs and quarantine across the United States.
Most Dangerous Intersections
It is no surprise that car accidents typically happen at busy intersections, and that these crashes are resulting in an upward trend in 2020 in motor vehicle collision injuries and deaths. Las Vegas is no exception to this rule. The most common accidents in Las Vegas involve the following intersections:
- Flamingo and Pecos Roads;
- Boulder Highway and Nellis Boulevard; and
- Intersection 215 and Intersection 15.
If you find yourself driving through these intersections in Las Vegas, be sure to exercise more caution than normal. Additionally, if you are a pedestrian walking around these areas, you should also take extra precautionary measures to ensure your safety.
Staying Safe on the Road
The National Safety Council (“NSC”) has several tips for drivers in Nevada to ensure the safety of America’s road. The below tips are even more important because many states have decided to reopen since the shut down earlier this year, resulting in an increase in traffic. The NSC asks all American motorists to:
- Obey all speed limits and do so even if traffic is light and roads are clear;
- Drive defensively, use seat belts, designate a sober driver or get alternative transportation, avoid fatigue by getting plenty of sleep, and avoid distractions;
- If you have teenage drivers, stay engaged in their driving habits and be sure to practice with them frequently;
- Follow local and state directives, particularly if they order you to stay off the roads and shelter in place, except for emergency situations or for running essential errands; and
- In urban areas, and others, be aware of the increase in pedestrian and bicycle traffic knowing that the roads will be more congested.
Leading Causes of Accidents
The biggest cause of car accident-related deaths is distracted driving, according to studies. Unfortunately, this statistic is particularly true for drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 years old. There are many ways to be distracted while driving. This includes looking at and talking to passengers, adjusting the radio, reaching for something that is on the car’s floor, or answering a phone call or text message. Not surprisingly, many states across the nation have passed laws prohibiting the use of a cell phone that is not hands-free or engaging in other distracting behavior while driving. Most states in the country only allow the use of hands-free cell devices for drivers who are over a particular age.
Another major factor in car accident-related deaths is speeding. The faster a vehicle is moving, the harder the impact, the more likely a death will result from the collision. Studies show that young males and teenage males are at a higher likelihood to be involved in a deadly car crash than their female counterparts.
Other common factors of car accidents includes:
- Driving while impaired;
- Failing to wear a seat belt;
- Driving while fatigued or upset;
- Driving a vehicle that is not safe; and
- Driving during hazardous road conditions at night.
If you or someone you care about has been hurt in a car accident in Las Vegas, Henderson, or anywhere else in Nevada, contact the courtroom proven attorneys at H&P Law.