As the country continues to open up after more than a year of full or partial closures due to the coronavirus pandemic, many Americans are taking the opportunity to venture out of their homes. This may include visiting areas within their state or traveling to other states – like Nevada. With Las Vegas offering a wide array of entertainment and hospitality options for visitors, it is no surprise that many are coming to the state. But, just like any other city, walking around the Las Vegas Strip or other parts of the state can be dangerous. Below are some useful tips for pedestrians visiting Nevada that can help keep them and their loved ones safe.
Tips for Pedestrians
Because walking near an intersection or road can be dangerous, especially due to the lack of protection people have from vehicles using the roadway, pedestrians are at risk of being hurt in an accident. That being said, pedestrians — just like drivers — are obligated to follow traffic rules and keep themselves and others out of harm’s way since they share responsibility for maintaining a safe roadway. Some ways that pedestrians can try to avoid harm include:
Walking in safe spaces: Traveling on foot requires pedestrians to use careful observation of their surroundings as well as care and sound judgment. This is especially true when it comes to passing vehicles. Pedestrians must be sure to always:
- Use crosswalks, sidewalks, tunnels, or bridges designated for pedestrians;
- Remain, when possible, on the right-hand side of crosswalks;
- Obey traffic signs, lights, and other related devices;
- When a sidewalk is not available, walk on the left side of the street, facing traffic;
- If not specifically designed in this way, avoid crossing intersections diagonally.
Making sure you are visible: Ensuring that you are visible to motorists is one of the best and most effective ways of avoiding being accidentally hit by a vehicle. If a driver cannot see a pedestrian, the driver cannot avoid striking them. Studies from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) show that 32% of pedestrian-related traffic accident deaths happen in the evening — between 8pm and midnight. Ways that pedestrians can make themselves more visible to drivers include:
- Making and keeping eye contact with an approaching vehicle often;
- Wearing bright or light colored clothing when walking at nighttime; and
- Staying in well-lit areas when walking to increase your visibility to others.
Remaining alert of others: Paying attention to your surroundings, including the roadway, as well as the behavior of approaching drivers is critical for pedestrians. Because many drivers are easily distracted, they can fail to consider whether a pedestrian is nearby. If you see a motorist driving erratically, be hyper-alert and try to avoid the path of the approaching vehicle completely.
Stay focused and avoid distractions: Likewise, pedestrians should avoid behaviors or items that could cause them to be distracted while walking by the roadway. Failure to follow traffic signs or signals, or unknowingly walking into a roadway, can have serious consequences. Common pedestrian distractions include:
- Talking or texting on a cell phone;
- Listening to music with headphones;
- Engaging in inappropriate behavior;
- Reading while walking;
Contact us Today
If you have been involved in a Nevada pedestrian accident, the experienced personal injury lawyers at H&P Law can help you. We will fight for the monetary compensation you deserve, as allowed under the law. Contact our Las Vegas or Henderson office today to schedule your initial case evaluation.