Impaired driving goes by many names, and yet they all mean you’ve been charged with a crime that could lead to legal action. In today’s Personal Injury 101 let’s take a look at some of the synonyms for impaired driving.
The Many Faces of Impaired Driving
Drunk driving is the general term referring to someone who gets behind the wheel while impaired by alcohol, drugs or a combination of the two and cannot drive safely. It can also refer to someone who’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is higher than the legal limit (in Nevada and most other states that limit is .08%).
Basically, each state’s laws determine what term is used, but for the most part they all mean the same thing.
Driving under the influence, or DUI, is the most commonly used abbreviation for impaired driving. Someone who is pulled over or involved in an accident and has been drinking or using drugs can be charged with a DUI. This is the term used in Nevada.
Driving while intoxicated/impaired, or DWI, is the second most widely used term in the country.
Driving under the influence of an intoxicant, DUII, is the same as a DUI in most states, just referred to differently in some states (like Oregon). Operating under the influence, or OUI, again is the same as a DUI, this term is just used in some states (like Massachusetts).
The H & P team sincerely hopes you have not been the victim of a drunk driving incident, but if you have, we are here to help. Contact us to help you get justice, and we’ll work to make sure the driver responsible is held accountable for their actions.
Zachariah B. Parry is an attorney and founding partner at the law firm H & P and is an adjunct professor who teaches torts, contracts, and Nevada practice and procedure for UNLV’s paralegal program. He can be reached at 702-912-4451 or zach@p2lawyers.com.