The short answer is, technically no, it is not legal to own a pit bull in Nevada. The state does not permit the ownership of “dangerous” dog breeds. Whether a...
With the holiday season upon us, many are using this time to enjoy relaxation and even time with loved ones after experiencing the shut downs of 2020. While the pandemic...
According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), the holiday season is the most dangerous for all due to the increase...
You may not know this, but the number one cause of car accident crashes, injuries, and deaths in the state of Nevada is impaired driving. To try to eliminate these...
Southern Nevada’s Regional Transit Commission (“RTC”) authorized work zones throughout parts of the city of Las Vegas earlier this year. The maintenance and building of the state’s infrastructure is critical,...
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) reports that the majority of deaths and injuries that result from large truck accidents are suffered by occupants in passenger...
As children grow and mature, they are trusted with greater levels of responsibility. One of the major milestones every parent experiences is the day their child turns 16 years old...
Millions of Americans rent their living space from a landlord. When signing a lease, tenants and landlords each agree to certain terms, some of which are designed to protect the...
When car drivers are involved in an accident with a train, personal injury is almost certain to result. In order to successfully recover compensation for damages, a plaintiff must be...
When individuals purchase a product, they assume it is safe to use. When products become defective and cause personal injury, victims often employ the services of a product liability attorney...
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