Wearing the right motorcycle safety gear can help to significantly reduce the severity of personal injury when riders are involved in an accident. Although riders can be eligible for compensation for damages when another party is deemed to be at fault for the accident, safety should still be considered a top priority for riders. Read on for what Nevada residents should know about motorcycle safety in their state.
Choosing the Right Helmet
When it comes to reducing the risk of serious personal injury while riding a motorcycle, the proper helmet is perhaps the most important piece of safety gear a rider can use. Injuries sustained to the head and neck can have serious lifelong implications. For this reason, Nevada state law requires motorcycle riders to wear a helmet while operating their vehicle.
When it comes to choosing the right helmet, it is important for riders to ensure that their helmet meets Department of Transportation (DOT) standards for safety and visibility. A sticker on the gear should clearly indicate that a helmet qualifies as meeting the safety standards. Helmets that meet DOT criteria allow riders an exceptionally wide field of vision while maintaining the protective nature of the equipment.
Helmets should fit snugly all the way around and be free of obvious defects such as cracks, torn or loose padding, or frayed and weakening straps. Reports indicate that most motorcycle crashes happen just a few minutes after starting on short trips of less than five miles, and that most riders are going slower than 30 miles per hour when a crash occurs. These are often the most tempting times for riders to skip the helmet, but the risk of personal injury is greatly reduced when riders keep their helmets on for the full length of a ride, every time.
Noise reduction is also an important component to consider. While some riders opt for foam plugs or custom molded devices, some helmets can add an extra layer of noise reduction. These elements can both prolong a rider’s healthy hearing while also enhancing their ability to attend to distractions on the road.
Eye and Face Protection
When it comes to protecting your eyes and face while riding, a plastic impact-resistant face shield is a rider’s best bet. These pieces of equipment protect a rider’s whole face from debris and elements such as rain, wind, dust, dirt, and insects. These elements can not only be distracting to a rider but also severely painful.
To have the greatest protection against distraction and personal injury, a face shield must be free of scratches, resistant to penetration, allow for a clear view to each side, fasten securely so as to not blow off mid-ride, allow air to circulate to reduce fogging, and allow sufficient room for eyeglasses or sunglasses if needed.
When to Contact a Professional
When motorcycle accidents occur due to someone else’s negligence, safety equipment can help reduce the risk of serious personal injury. However, accident victims are still likely to want to pursue litigation to recover compensation for damages incurred.
For years, the attorneys at H&P Law have been helping motorcycle accident victims in Las Vegas and throughout Nevada fight for their rights to compensation. Contact H&P Law today for expert insight you can trust.