If you or someone you know is a major cigar lover, you may find it difficult to go out on trips without having them with you. Be careful, however, as flying with your favorite cigars can be complicated, to say the least. While traveling with cigars is usually perfectly legal, you can end up with your precious cigars being damaged during the trip or violating a rule imposed by the government or the airline and get them confiscated. Consequently, check with the airline and the country you plan to visit about rules regarding the transport of tobacco and tobacco accessories before heading out.
What You Can and Cannot Bring With You
Below are some general tips on what you can and cannot bring with you regarding your cigar affection. When it comes to flying, you can take the following items with you:
- Cigars: You should expect to be questioned if you are carrying Cuban-made cigars, even though the restriction on importing Cuban cigars to America was lifted. While you are permitted to carry cigars for personal use, you should check out local laws as well as the rules in the country you are going to, so you know the allowable limits;
- Cigar cutters: Any cutter with a blade that exceeds four inches is generally prohibited on a flight, as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will consider it a weapon and confiscate it. Therefore, instead of bringing a punch cigar cutter or V-cutter with you, purchase one at a duty-free store. Otherwise, you can store your cutter in your checked baggage with your cigars or bring a scissor-type cutter with a blade shorter than four inches, as you likely will not have any issues;
- Lighters, Torch Lighters, and Stick Matches: Travelers can generally bring cigar lighters that comply with TSA rules (such as a soft-flamed lighter), but they cannot be in checked luggage. Torch lighters, on the other hand, are strictly prohibited on flights—and banned in both checked luggage and carry-on bags. While stick matches are not banned, you can only bring one packet or book of safety matches, and it must be in your checked baggage;
- Humidification fluid: Any type of packed liquid, according to the TSA, is prohibited. It is best to purchase humidification fluid at your destination if you need it.
How to Protect Your Cigars
Any cigar enthusiast will want to take all the necessary precautions to protect their cigars as much as possible. This is especially true when traveling with them. Whether you choose to carry your cigars in your carry-on or in your checked bags, you need to ensure that they remain in good condition when you arrive at your destination. Cigars can be best protected in a carry-on, but those wanting to take them on the plane with them may face security hurdles. As a result, most prefer to carry cigars in checked luggage. When you place your cigars in your checked luggage, however, you do not know how the airport workers are handling your bags. To avoid the risk of damage—as bags are thrown, stepped on, or squeezed—store your cigars in a sturdy travel case or humidor that can withstand airport staff’s rough treatment.
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