When two vehicles collide the drivers and passengers in those cars often suffer injuries, the seriousness of which depends upon the impact. Some car accident injuries are minor while others are serious and even fatal. According to a 2019 Nevada Department of Public Safety (“NDPS”) report on the issue, between 2013 and 2017 there was an average of more than 1,200 serious injuries resulting from car accidents.
At H&P Law, our personal injury lawyers have years of experience representing victims of car accidents throughout the state of Nevada. As a result, our firm has seen the most common types of injuries suffered by car accident victims.
Common Injuries
Depending on the amount and type of force impacting the car at the time of the crash, injuries can range from mild to severe. Some examples of common injuries include:
- Concussions: When a blow to the head results in the brain hitting against the skull wall, a concussion has occurred. Oftentimes concussions cause the victim to temporarily lose his or her consciousness or awareness;
- Contusions: A powerful blow to the head often results in a bruise to the brain, referred to as a contusion. If the victim’s brain is bleeding internally or swelling, the contusion may require surgical intervention;
- Fractured skull: A break in one of the skull’s bones is fracture of the skull. The four types of fractures include linear, depress diastatic, and basilar. The most severe fractures are basilar and depressed, requiring immediate emergency medical care;
- Traumatic brain injuries: Classified as mild, moderate, or severe, traumatic brain injuries (“TBIs”) often cause physical and cognitive issues including temporary loss of consciousness or coma, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, seizures or convulsions, fine and gross motor coordination difficulties, memory issues, concentration problems, light sensitivities, slurred speech, blurred vision, and changes in behavior;
- Whiplash: When a car accident victim’s head is thrown back and then forward — or from one side to another — during a crash, whiplash occurs. The forceful and jerking motion can cause damage to the spine’s bones and discs as well as the neck’s tendons, muscles and nerves. Symptoms can include loss of range of motion, pain and stiffness, as well as tenderness in the neck, upper back, and shoulders.
- Spinal damage: These injuries can include disc herniations and fractures. Symptoms may include pain radiating to the arms and legs, loss of control over bodily functions, muscle weakness, and even partial or permanent paralysis;
- Bone breaks and fractures: Broken bones are common car accident injuries and can happen to a victim’s wrists, legs, arms, ankles, ribs, pelvis, and other parts of the body. While simple fractures are typically mild injuries, compound breaks are more severe and often require surgical intervention to reset the bone.
While the above are the most common types of car accident injuries, the harm suffered by victims of a Nevada collision can be as different as the parties involved. The severity of harm suffered depends on many factors including the speed of the vehicles at the time of the impact, the size and type of vehicles involved in the crash, and the angle or manner in which the cars collided.
Experienced Nevada Attorneys
Injuries resulting from car accidents can have a life-long effect on the crash victim who suffered them. If you or someone you know has been hurt in a Nevada car accident and experienced these types of injuries, or another injury in an accident, you may have a legal right to pursue monetary compensation for harm suffered. Our experienced car accident attorneys at H&P Law will explain your rights and obligations and help fight for the monetary compensation you deserve. Contact our Las Vegas or Henderson office to schedule your initial case evaluation.