In the aftermath of an accident, it is crucial to be aware of potential brain injuries. A brain injury can have long-term effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Knowing the common signs of a brain injury can help you identify if you or someone else has suffered one following a car crash.
If you suffer a brain injury or any other type of injury in an automobile accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses and other losses. Contact our skilled traffic accident attorneys at H&P Law to discuss your legal case.
Signs of a Brain Injury to Watch Out for After a Traffic Accident
According to the Centers for Disease Control, there were over 220,000 hospitalizations related to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in 2019 alone, many of which were the result of traffic accidents.
Let’s discuss some of the most common signs of brain injury following a traffic accident. However, the following is not a complete list of possible symptoms of a brain injury. It is always best to seek medical attention to ensure that you are getting the medical treatment you need.
Loss of Consciousness
One of the most obvious signs of a brain injury is loss of consciousness. If you or someone else involved in the crash lost consciousness after the accident, they might have suffered a concussion or another type of brain injury. Even if the person regains consciousness quickly, they should still be monitored for any further symptoms.
Headaches are one of the most common symptoms associated with traumatic brain injuries and can range from mild to severe. Other common symptoms associated with headaches include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, difficulty concentrating, and vision changes such as blurred or double vision.
Loss of Balance
Another symptom associated with traumatic brain injuries is balance problems. This means that you may feel unsteady on your feet or have difficulty walking without assistance. You may also experience vertigo or dizziness due to inner ear damage caused by the force of the impact in the accident.
Confusion or Disorientation
If you experience confusion or disorientation after an accident, this could be a sign that you have suffered some sort of trauma to your head during the collision. This confusion can manifest itself in different ways, such as difficulty understanding directions or feeling like you do not know where you are even though you recognize your surroundings.
Slurred Speech
Slurred speech is another possible symptom that could indicate a traumatic brain injury caused by an accident. Slurred speech often occurs when there has been damage to specific regions in your brain that control language processing and communication skills.
Memory Problems
Memory problems can also be indicative of a traumatic brain injury caused by an impact during an automobile crash. Memory problems can range from simple forgetfulness to more severe difficulties, such as forgetting recent events or conversations that just took place moments ago.
Behavioral or Mood Changes
Lastly, behavioral and mood changes are another sign that could suggest there has been some sort of trauma experienced during an automobile crash resulting in possible damage to certain areas in your brain responsible for regulating emotions and behaviors such as aggression and irritability towards others around them.
Discuss Your Legal Case with H&P Law
Brain injury can happen anytime there is a sudden force applied to one’s head, either directly through contact with an object or indirectly due to acceleration/deceleration forces experienced during a car crash. It is important to be aware not only of these common symptoms but also to seek medical attention immediately if any are present following an automobile accident. If you were diagnosed with a brain injury or any other type of injury following an automobile accident in Las Vegas or surrounding areas in Nevada, our traffic accident attorneys at H&P Law can help. Call (702) 598-4529 to get a case review.