Accidents that involve drunk drivers can result in fatalities, and Americans across the country are affected by this epidemic. Nevada is no exception. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 1,025 people were tragically killed in Nevada as a result of drunk driving accidents between the years of 2003 and 2012. If you do the math, this turns out to be an annual death rate of more than 100 in Nevada alone. Victims from every age, race, ethnicity, and religion can be killed in these preventable tragedies. That being said, statistics show that young adults between the ages of 21 and 34 are at the highest risk of losing their lives in an alcohol-related crash. Adults over the age of 35 have a much lower mortality rate in these types of collisions. These statistics do not take into account the devastating and often life-changing injuries that victims of drunk driving accidents suffer if they survive the crashes. These injuries and their resulting disabilities often affect the victims for the rest of their lives.
Drunk Driving Statistics
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA), as many as 80 people are killed every day on American roadways. In 2013, a total of 35,244 deaths were the result of car accidents. Auto accidents account for about $871 billion combined economic and societal cost. This amounts to 1.9% of the country’s gross domestic product.
Drunk driving is a major contributor of car accidents, estimated at 32%. The other causes of car accidents include:
- Speeding (31%),
- Distracted driving (16%),
- Bad weather conditions (11%), and
- Other (10%) causes.
Car Accident Injuries
Injuries suffered in a Nevada car accident can range from minor bumps and bruises to even death. These injuries suffered by a victim can be temporary or permanent. Beyond physical harm, injuries may also include mental health problems. Some common car accident injuries include traumatic brain injury, whiplash, disc bulge or herniation, broken bones, and bruises.
When someone is involved in an accident with a drunk driver, he or she faces numerous challenges during the struggle to return to normal life. This includes being forced to take time away from work in order to heal from injuries, as well as witnessing medical bills continue to pile up as the days, weeks, and months pass by. If the victim passed away due to the drunk-driving accident, surviving loved ones are left to face psychological and emotional issues and must move forward without the loved one in their lives.
Car Accident Help in Nevada
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an auto accident or any other type of accident due to another’s negligence, contact a Nevada personal injury attorney today for an initial consultation. The legal professionals at H & P will aggressively fight for the compensation to which you are entitled. Do not hesitate and schedule your appointment today.