You have no idea how to respond after a cargo truck driver slams their vehicle into yours. Take a deep breath, and remember, you have legal options. Consult with a Sunrise Manor cargo truck accident lawyer within days of your accident, and you can take legal action against any liable parties.
With more than six decades of combined legal experience, the team at H&P Law knows how to handle cargo truck accident lawsuits. Give a Sunrise Manor truck accident lawyer from our team the opportunity to represent you. Contact us to get started.
Parties Liable for Your Accident
You may believe a cargo truck driver is solely responsible for your accident. However, there may be other parties that a Sunrise Manor personal injury lawyer can hold accountable. Parties named as defendants in cargo truck accident lawsuits can include:
- Cargo loaders
- Truck companies
- Shipping companies
- Vehicle maintenance company
- Government entity
Over the years, H&P Law has helped many clients achieve outstanding case results in personal injury lawsuits. Tell a Sunrise Manor cargo truck accident attorney from our team about your case, and we can help you determine if now is the ideal time to submit a claim for damages. Get in touch with us.
How a Cargo Truck Accident Claim Works
A cargo truck accident lawyer in Sunrise Manor has a clear understanding of auto insurance in Nevada. They can explain how you can file a claim through your insurer based on your accident. Your attorney can share evidence to help you show your insurance company you are not responsible for the incident.
With an insurance claim, your insurer contacts a liable truck driver’s insurance company. Together, these businesses examine the facts surrounding your accident. They determine who is responsible for the incident.
Typically, the claims process is difficult. If an insurance company says you are to blame for your accident, it can be tough to collect damages. Alternatively, your lawyer can move forward with a personal injury lawsuit in which you ask for compensation for your quantifiable and subjective losses.
When to File Your Lawsuit
The Nevada statute of limitations restricts the time frame in which you can request damages. Generally, you have up to two years from the date of your cargo truck accident to ask an at-fault party to cover your losses. If this window closes, you may be 100% responsible for any costs relating to your accident.
A cargo truck accident attorney in Sunrise Manor wants you to file your lawsuit right away. The sooner your lawsuit is submitted, the sooner you can recover damages. Throughout your litigation, your lawyer looks for ways to strengthen your case.
Your lawyer can negotiate a settlement with an at-fault party while your case is underway. If a defendant proposes a settlement, it may be beneficial to evaluate the offer with your attorney. You are not legally obligated to approve the offer, and if it does not meet your requirements, you can decline it without incurring any penalties.
How Much Your Cargo Truck Accident Lawsuit Is Worth
There is no such thing as an average truck accident settlement in Nevada. How much you receive in damages depends on the severity of your injuries and other factors. You can receive economic and non-economic damages for many reasons, such as:
- Medical expenses
- Car repairs or replacement
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
Your lawyer will calculate your losses. As they do, they will consider how your accident and injuries will affect you for the foreseeable future. Next, they will search for evidence that could compel a judge or jury to award you full damages.
Evidence You Can Use in Your Lawsuit
Your body of proof has far-flung effects on your ability to secure damages. If you have sufficient evidence, a judge or jury may be inclined to rule in your favor. Evidence used in cargo truck accident lawsuits can include:
- Photos and videos from the scene of your accident
- A police report detailing your accident
- Truck electronic logging device (ELD) data that indicates how long a driver was operating their vehicle without taking a break
- Trucking company records that highlight a truck driver’s employment history
- Medical records that illustrate how badly you were hurt in your accident
- Statements from witnesses who saw your accident happen
Expect the defendant in your case to gather evidence that they will try to use against you. Fortunately, your lawyer understands personal injury cases and how to dispute a defendant’s claims. They will work diligently to make it clear to a judge or jury that you are in no way at fault for your accident and should not be held responsible for any of your losses.
How Comparative Negligence Can Impact Your Case Results
A rule relating to comparative negligence in Nevada is in place. If you are found to be partly liable for a cargo truck accident, what you receive in damages can be reduced by your percentage of fault. In a situation where a judge or jury determines you are primarily responsible, you may be unable to recover damages.
As an example, a judge or jury finds you are 20% to blame for a cargo truck collision. The defendant in your lawsuit is 80% liable for the incident. They may be ordered to cover 80% of your damages, and you are responsible for the remainder.
Now, look at what can happen if a judge or jury says you are 51% at fault for a cargo truck crash. This means you are more to blame for the incident than the defendant. As a result, the defendant may not have to pay your damages, and you are liable for all of your losses.
Partner with a Sunrise Manor Cargo Truck Accident Attorney Who Protects Your Legal Rights
If you think you should take responsibility for a cargo truck accident caused by a negligent trucker or someone else, think again. With the team at H&P Law at your side, you can build a case against any liable parties and boost your chances of securing maximum compensation from them. Request a free case consultation with our team.