You have found yourself in this situation before. You are out driving your car and you feel a bit off. This could be due to stress and anxiety because you just received bad news, you may be getting sick, or you may just be overwhelmed with the changes brought on by the pandemic. Whatever the case may be, you suddenly realize you have been involved in an accident. Except, your car is the only one involved in the crash. How did this happen?
No matter what type of accident you may be involved in, it can be a confusing and scary experience. When your car is the only involved in the collision, it can also be embarrassing. While this may be your instinct, the last thing you should do is pretend nothing happened. If you damaged property, or were injured, you will want to file an insurance claim, even if you were the only car involved. Just because there were no other drivers involved that does not necessarily mean that you are at fault. Below we will look at some common causes behind single vehicle accidents.
Single Vehicle Accidents: Causes
There are several common causes of car accidents. The most common causes of single car accidents include the following:
- Distracted driving: This is a top concern for all car accidents, including those that only involve one vehicle. If you are multitasking while behind the wheel, you are at a higher risk of running off the road, hitting a road divider, colliding into a guard rail or hitting a parked vehicle;
- Poor road conditions: Slick or slippery roads are dangerous and can cause unexpected risks. Most drivers cannot detect black ice or clear ice. If you lose control of your vehicle on a slippery surface you can hit a snowbank, tree, or other solid structure;
- Glaring sun: Whether it is dusk or dawn, the sun can be blinding to a person driving. And if your vehicle’s windshield is dirty, the glare could be even worse. Squinting your eyes as a result of the glare could cause you to miss a nearby vehicle or the curb;
- Poorly maintained roads: Whether it is potholes, uneven roads, or other problems can result in damaged cars;
- Swerving on the road: Sometimes debris or animals in the middle of the road causes a driver to swerve. While this can avoid hitting the animal or object, you may hit a pole or run into a ditch;
- Flying objects: Sometimes an object can fall off of the back of a truck, like rocks, a tree branch, or other objects, and hit your car. If this happens, the insurance carrier typically considers this a comprehensive claim;
- Car defects: When a car company issues a recall, consumers do not always find out soon enough and are driving around with defective car parts. This can put you at risk of a single vehicle accident, but you may be able to hold the manufacturer liable for damages.
Contact Our Attorneys
The skilled Las Vegas personal injury attorneys at H&P Law can help if you have been involved in a Nevada car accident. Our skilled lawyers will fight for the best monetary compensation available to you under Nevada law.