Skateboarding is a fun hobby, and for some, extreme skateboarding is an Olympic aspiration or even a professional career. But skateboarding can result in injuries just like any other sport. Skateboarding can even be fatal; a Las Vegas 15-year-old was killed while skateboarding over the summer. The teenager was hanging onto a moving vehicle while riding the skateboard when he was ejected from it and then run over by the car. While skateboarding injuries are common, these can become fatal when a vehicle is involved. Below are some common skateboard injuries and tips on how to stay safe.
Common Injuries
If you have ever tried to skateboard or watched someone else engage in the sport, you will know that accidents and injuries are typical. Skateboarders are fully aware that they are going to fall—especially when they are attempting or learning to master a new trick. Because not all skateboarding injuries require medical care, the exact number of injuries as a result of the sport is not known. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons reports that about 70,000 injuries requiring emergency room care happen annually. The most common types of skateboarding injuries include cuts, bruises, strains, sprains, and broken bones. These injuries can happen from falls and injure the face, arms, neck, trunk, and legs. Head injuries, which can result in traumatic brain injuries such as concussions, are also common.
While falls are a concern for skateboarders, it is not the only danger, as they may also be at risk of being hit by a vehicle. When a car is involved in a skateboarding accident, however, the injuries can be severe and even deadly.
Safety Tips for Skateboarders
Because accidents will happen, particularly on skateboards, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting hurt. If you are going out skateboarding, the following safety tips should be considered:
- Use Safety Gear: Protect yourself by wearing a properly fitted helmet, wrist guards, knee and elbow pads, and proper skateboarding shoes;
- Inspect your Board: Prior to every ride, you should make sure your skateboard does not have loose, broken, or cracked parts; sharp edges; a slippery surface; or wheels with cracks or nicks.
- Ride in a Safe Place: Choose a safe place to ride like a skatepark. If one is not available nearby, check your local laws to see where you are allowed to skate. Pick areas with smooth surfaces and minimal debris, and be sure to stay away from the street.
No matter how much you may try, however, skateboarding accidents will happen. If you follow the tips above, you should be able to remain as safe as possible while still enjoying the sport.
Personal Injury Lawyers
If you or someone you know has been hurt in a skateboarding accident, the first thing that you should do is seek medical attention right away. Thereafter, contact the experienced Las Vegas personal injury lawyers at H&P Law. Our skilled attorneys will guide you through the complex legal process and determine the best path for you to seek compensation for your harm. We have fought for the rights of the injured across Nevada for years. Contact us today for your initial consultation.